Rough speech destroys man from within "... When we have claims, our lucky center is blocked. The most common claims are against fate, against people around us, dissatisfaction with ourselves and the world. Claims are manifested not only in words but also in thoughts, tone, style of communication and attitude towards life. All claims are destructive in nature; they take away a person's energy and close the heart. "
"Buddhist psychology says that the main source of energy loss is speech.

Christianity says that it is not important what goes into a person's mouth, but what comes out. Many saints and ascetics have isolated themselves from people so as not to participate in idleness. In the Vedas, empty conversations are called prajalpa, and they are one of the main obstacles to spiritual and material progress. Everyone must first heal his body, secondly - to be a grammar specialist and monitor his speech, thirdly - to be a philosopher who purifies his mind and achieves the absolute truth.
A person's health and material well-being depend on his speech. The ability to speak and listen is seriously studied in all business schools.
The Buddha claims that a word can kill a person. Vedic astrology says that the shadowy planet Ketu is responsible for insults, it reacts quickly, often for a moment; Ketu even gives release, but in a negative aspect. It punishes insults and disrespectful speech, quickly deprives a person of everything he has achieved spiritually and materially.
In Vedic civilization, everyone learns to follow his speech carefully. The fool differs from the sage when he speaks. Speech has a very strong energy. People who communicate with swearing, rude and insulting, at some point get a dark spot on their thin body, which in a year or two can grow into a cancerous tumor. Speech is a manifestation of life force. According to Ayurveda, it is Universal Energy. Its purpose is to bring man closer to the Divine. With it he can discuss practical matters, to communicate with his relatives. But it is also a manifestation of Prana.
The more Prana a person has, the healthier, more successful, charismatic and harmonious he is. Prana is consumed first when a person speaks, especially when he criticizes someone, condemns, claims, swears. The most successful people speak well and know how to control their speech. People who speak poorly occupy the last places in the various hierarchies. In the East, a person who cannot control his speech is considered very primitive, even if he is a professor in the West.
Our karma is determined by our speech. When we criticize someone, we take on the negative karma and bad qualities of that person; this is how the law of karma works. We take the qualities of the person we praise; thus we acquire divine qualities. Western philosophy advises us to think and talk about successful and harmonious people. The more selfishness and envy there are, the harder it is for a person to speak well of someone. We must learn not to criticize anyone.
He who criticizes us gives us his positive karma and takes our bad karma. That is why the Vedas say that it is good to criticize us.

The Mahabharata says that if we want to do something, the probability of it happening is to remain silent and not tell anyone about it; if you told even one person, 80% less likely to do your job, especially if you shared with an envious or greedy person. People who speak little and thoughtfully achieve more. They do not lose their energy. The speech of the ignorant is full of insults, claims, condemnations, threats, obscene words, which are imbued with anger and hatred. If such a person is told something good about someone else, he may get sick.
Such people, consciously or unconsciously, provoke others, trying to provoke in them the energy of anger, irritation, resentment, envy, because on this wave they are in the mood and feed on these lower destructive emotions. Their humor is "black", full of mockery and joy of other people's sorrow. They are in illusions from beginning to end. Such people the universe heals them with severe blows of fate and disease. They quickly develop mental illness. You should not communicate with them.
When we have claims, our lucky center is blocked. The most common claims are against fate, against the people around, dissatisfaction with themselves and the world. Claims are manifested not only in words, but also in thoughts, tone, style of communication and attitude to life. All claims are destructive in nature; they take away a person's energy and close the heart. "
Shared with joy
A. A
Stob, Bulgaria