The cult of the rose dates back to antiquity. In ancient Greece, the flower was associated with the goddess of love Aphrodite - they decorated the heads of brides with wreaths of roses, and the wedding bed - with petals. In Rome, her "importance" went beyond all bounds: her lovers were showered with pink, and gladiators anointed their bodies with rose oil for strength.

The rose embodies mercy, forgiveness, divine love, martyrdom and victory. The Holy Fathers called it a "flower of paradise" and dedicated it to the Mother of God. Islam claims that it came from a drop of Muhammad's sweat, and Carl the Great ordered it to be grown in the gardens of all monasteries.
It has been known as a remedy for more than 5,000 years. In the time of Hippocrates preparations of it were used to treat fevers, relieve heart pain, diarrhea, painful or irregular menstruation, cramps and more.
Hippocrates also prescribed the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with rose jam (a large amount), says Katie Ivanova, author of books on medicinal plants.
Avicenna prescribed a decoction of the seeds of the plant to strengthen the gums and ear pain treatment , and fresh petals and rose water - to relieve headaches. Squeezed fresh juice was used for toothache, mouth ulcers, stomach and liver diseases, as a compress - for eye diseases.
The Egyptians, the ancient Greeks (since the time of Homer) and the Romans used rose oil and rose water in medicine for headaches, eye diseases, tuberculosis, to embalm and mummify the bodies of the dead.
Here a few joyful and useful recipes with rose petals :
Recipe 1:
2-3 tbsp. finely chopped dry rose petals are poured with 2 tsp. boiling water, cool and then strain.
The dose is for 1 day use for adults, and for children - for 2 days.
Recipe 2:
2 tbsp. Rose petals are covered with 500 ml. boiling water, soak for 60 minutes and strain.
Drink 1 glass before meals 4 times a day.
Recipe 3:
For rinsing and compresses for eye inflammation 5-10 g of chopped rose petals are soaked in 400 ml. boiling water. Leave to cool, strain and use the water for rinsing or a compress.
Recipe 4:
Baths are especially refreshing if you add 1 handful of fresh or dried rose petals to the water. Let them be in the water for about 15-20 minutes before you take your bath. It is especially invigorating after a hard day's work.
Recipe 5:
In a glass jar put fresh pink rose petals (it is good to form about 2 cm layer), sprinkle with a little sugar, arrange therose petals again on another layer, sugar again and so alternate until the container is full. Close and leave for 3-4 days until the sugar dissolves. Then squeeze through cheesecloth, heat to 70 C and pour into a sterile bottle. Diluted with water, the syrup has a calming effect and helps restoration of the nervous system.

Recipe 6:
How to make pink rose honey?
100 g of fresh flowers are boiled in 500 ml. water, remove them from the heat, soak for 5 minutes and strain. To the resulting liquid is added 800 g of sugar, stir and pour into bottles. Take 1 tsp. mixture 3 times a day for coughs and hoarseness in children, as well as for nervous weakness.
Especially powerful when they blossom in May and June. If you haven't tried using rose petals for your general health help, why not get to use them better from now on? 🙂
Shared with joy
A. A
Stob, Bulgaria