"The intellect has very little role to play in the path to discovery. There is a leap in consciousness - a flash of intuition, perhaps - and the solution to the mystery shines before you, and you can't answer why or how at all." - Albert Einstein
The origin of the word is from the Latin intueri, which means "to see from within". Intuition is a way of knowing, of feeling the truth without explanation. Do you remember how many times in the last few months you just "knew" or "felt" something, but because you ignored it or didn't listen to it, you missed some good opportunities?...

The cases can be any - from very insignificant to ambiguous. Many researchers dealing with this phenomenon, to one confirm the following: intuition can be awakened and developed. We can learn to see more, to hear more, to feel more, to know more about ourselves and the world in which we live.
Things that we neglect today as unimportant and irrelevant to us often contain invaluable guidance just waiting for us to turn to if we know where to look. By developing our intuition, we develop our self-knowledge and self-esteem, and self-esteem is the basis of self-confidence.
"When the scientist listens, the artist imagines, the mathematician calculates, and the poet waits for his muse to allow him to begin painting his verbal pictures. And each of them prays for divine guidance. However, each of them receives exactly as much as he is able to perceive. " - Ernest Holmes.
How does our intuition develop?
For a simple start, it is good to acknowledge its existence. Openness to the idea is usually the first and most important step towards connecting with it. The second step is to observe the appearance of intuitive insights. To this end, we need to start paying attention to what is happening in our mind or body in a variety of situations. And Instead of forcing ourselves to automatically come to a decision, we could tune in to our inner voice to feel what guidance it will give us.
Third, we leave time to wait - new knowledge will appear when it's time to come. Artists call this process "waiting for the muse."
Fourth, we could help and guide you to knowledge. For many of us, the morning is a great time to meditate. In a few minutes of complete silence, we relax our consciousness and let the answers float to its surface. And then, when it comes to health and a full life, we hope you will do everything to the best of your ability to help you achieve your well-being. Take the risk and share the things you feel are happening to you. And always...
Remember that complete sincerity to oneself is one of the most challenging goals one can set for oneself.
It is easiest to continue to deceive ourselves, to postpone facing each other with something we have known for a long time, but which we do not want to admit.
"Intuition is not a frightening gift, a privilege for a handful of clairvoyants. Its purpose is not so much to unravel the future as to help us immerse ourselves more fully in the present. Intuition is necessarily operational and so common that it sometimes eludes us." - Joan Borisenko
Shared with joy A. A Stob, Bulgaria