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Being a Good Person is Always a Good Thing

By Adi Andreeva

May 2, 2022

Goodness is a quality that everyone possesses in themselves, but not everyone can preserve and display. This is an ability only of strong and brave people, because in the world we live every day we face obstacles that try to stop us from being good.What are the few main characteristics that a truly good person has? 


The art of moving forward even when the situation seems hopeless.


The ability to be compassionate and identify with the unique experiences of others. To many, seeing another person's pain and reacting with indifference or even outright hostility seems completely incomprehensible.


To keep calm when things don't always work out the way we imagine them to. What can't be fixed is made easier by patience. If you have a little patience, you will notice that the most serious difficulties burst like soap bubbles.


To look at the funny side of things and be able to make fun of yourself. Humorous attitude towards oneself is not only a sign of self-criticism - it is also an indicator of mental health. After all, tyranny has no sense of humor. It is characterized by too thin skin, too full of its own significance.


To turn your back on your own satisfaction at the expense of someone else. Self-sacrifice is the willing neglect of an individual's personal interests in order to preserve the well-being of another. Simply put, it is  to refuse to satisfy any personal goals, pleasures, often even life, to protect the benefits and interests of others.


To take responsibility for one's own actions, be aware of who you really are. If your emotional abilities are not at hand, if you do not have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your own anxious emotions, if you can not have empathy and have an effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you will not reach far in growing a greater good. 

Nobility and Kindness 

A noble person attracts noble people and knows how to keep them. Nobility is a condition. Wisdom. Emanation of the spirit. An entity that combines many and innumerable virtues. Nobility is:The readiness to support a cause and to defend the original human values. The ability to show mercy, compassion and compassion. To stand up for the weak and unjust. To help the needy without expecting anything in return. To forgive and ask for forgiveness. And Kindness is… all of the above 👆😊 And always the goodness is seen mostly in the all ordinary things and days…. Shared with joy    A. A Stob, Bulgaria