with Colin Wyatt
Colin began his career of caring and assisting others ever since early childhood.
This journey is one that has brought him much knowledge and experience. Coupled with his warm and friendly personality, Colin makes learning and understanding what he teaches, fun, easy and applicable.
Advanced EFT Practitioner - Colin is a Highly Experienced Advanced Accredited Certified International EFT Practitioner. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and (also known as ‘Tapping’). He has worked with people in their thousands from all over the world both in person and video call. Now clinically proven by the NHS, this is one of the most effective therapies known today and can help with a multitude of issues.
Colin’s open, caring & friendly personality is extremely calming and welcoming and will help to make you feel comfortable and a valued part of the experience.
Law of Attraction Expert - Colin is considered and highly respected as a ‘go to’ expert in the field of Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is all about understanding how you really function as a person and that the thoughts that you put out into the universe come back to you in the way of physical manifestations. Our thoughts are literally like magnets.
Once we understand the fundamental laws that govern ‘how’ we attract and create our own reality through the Law of Vibration and the 6 other fundamental universal laws, the process becomes a lot easier and the results begin to show. No matter what area of your life needs work, it is all fundamentally the result of the Law of Attraction at work.
432Hz Sound Frequency Healer -
Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Baths - These rather large bowls are made from 99.99% quartz crystal and resonate soft vibrations of sound which wash all over the body, creating a very relaxing and healing experience.
There is evidence that sound frequency has been used for healing by the ancients all over the world for thousands of years.
Sound healing works on a cellular and sub cellular level, meaning the cells that make up you (50 trillion of them) receive a full and relaxing wave of gentle sound waves to help balance the mind, body & soul.
Colin's Links:
Tune into Happy Mind Happy You live on Wednesdays at 19:30 UK on the KindaSound homepage.
Listen to all his episodes below.

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