Grapes have been known for 7000 years
Grapes are an ancient fruit and were known in the Middle East as early as 7 millennia ago. Its medicinal qualities were known to the Thracians and the ancient Greeks in our lands. Today, a number of scientific studies prove the healthy benefits of grapes for the heart, kidneys, liver, stomach, and especially its role in neutralizing free radicals that age the body or cause cancer.
Grapes contain a lot of calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, aluminum, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus, copper, iodine, bromine, zinc and silicon. The fruit is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2 and D, but they are contained in the seeds of the grains. It is also useful because it helps to clear the toxins accumulated in the body.
Grapes contain pectin and enzymes, which stimulate digestion.
Grapes favor the prevention and treatment of heart diseases, thanks to the fact that they contain glucose. It is sufficient for the normal function of the heart to take 200-300 grams of well-ripened grapes daily. Glucose is a physiological stimulator of the heart, supports oxidation processes and metabolism. Therefore, grape sugar participates in the energy balance of the human body. Organic acids are also useful for the heart - tartaric, citric and malic.

Grapes increase the resistance of liver cells and have the function of acting as an antidote.
Grapes have a diuretic effect and thus cleanse the urinary tract and kidneys. It enhances the water-salt exchange, which is vitally important for the body, since some organic acids and salts increase the alkaline reaction in the intestines.
Grapes do not contain salt, so it is recommended for diets without sodium chloride. The fruit reduces the risk of kidney and bladder stones.
If grapes are taken before eating a meal, they quickly enter the duodenum. From there, the organic acids of the fruit stimulate the release of more juices from the bile and pancreas, which play a role in the rapid absorption of proteins and fats.
On an empty stomach, grapes act as a laxative. The high fiber content - about 20%, helps to clear the stomach and intestines of accumulated toxins. Peristalsis of the intestines improves, and processed food is more quickly expelled from the body. It is precisely this effect that plays a role in the prevention of colon cancer.
Grapes are highly recommended for people with tuberculosis and other acute and chronic lung diseases. It is good to be consumed by asthmatics and people with chronic bronchitis. Grapes clear the respiratory tract of secretions and phlegm.
Thanks to the content of B vitamins, potassium and magnesium, grapes support the nervous system and increase resistance to stress. It is enough to consume 0.5 l of freshly squeezed grape juice per day. Grapes also strengthen the memory.

Polyphenols, which are contained in the seeds of dark varieties, have a powerful effect on Alzheimer's disease. Thanks to the resveratrol in the juice, it stimulates brain function, memory and coordination.
Grapes also have excellent properties for impaired vision. Regular consumption of the fruit limits the risk of age-related vision loss known as macular degeneration. Studies show that three servings a day reduce the risk of this degeneration by an average of more than 36 percent.
Another eye disease that is well affected by grapes is cataracts. It is caused by the action of free radicals, so the flavonoids in grapes are useful in this case. They have a powerful antioxidant effect.
Regular consumption of grapes stimulate the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. The fruit has a general strengthening effect on the whole organism. Recommended for athletes for faster muscle recovery. It is believed that the best effect for increasing immunity is the simultaneous consumption of grapes of white and dark varieties.
Grapes suppress fatigue because they contain large amounts of iron.
And more…and more….no wonder that the old Greeks celebrated the Gods of the Grapes and Wine and the Grapes are known as the fruits of the Gods.
If you still haven't added any to your daily diet, don't delay any longer. A grape 🍇 a day can keep the doctors away 🙂🙃🙂
Best time for fresh ripe grapes is from August to October for us Bulgarians and grapes grow in almost every garden and out on the streets, they are a meal on their own and best with fresh walnuts and mozzarella in September…. So do not wait …Grape your days 🍇❤️
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Stob, Bulgaria