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Wise Words of a Zen Master

By Adi Andreeva

April 22, 2022

There are moments when you just stop - to expect, to pursue, to seek, to chase, to want. You let everything go and accept everything as it happens. You don't wonder if you're wrong and where you're wrong. You don't fill your head with unnecessary puzzles. Whatever needs to happen will happen. Whoever has to be here is here. Whoever has to come will come. You go your own way and you don't look back. It is simple and easy. Everything happens at the right time and in the right place. Neither earlier nor later than when you are ready...Here, a short wise story that I find helpful in any occasion and happy to share with you. 

A Zen teacher once said, “When I was young, I used to swim in a boat. I had a small boat and sailed alone on the lake. I could stay there for hours. I once sat with my eyes closed and meditated. It was a beautiful night. A boat was sailing downstream and hit mine. Anger rose in me. I opened my eyes and was about to insult the man who was bothering me, but I saw that the boat was empty. There was no one to turn my anger on. I had no choice but to close my eyes and start staring at my anger. The moment I saw him, I took the first step on my Way. That quiet night, I approached my inner center. The empty boat became my teacher. 

Since then, if anyone tried to insult me ​​and anger arose in me, I laughed and said to myself: "This boat is empty, too." I closed my eyes and went inside.

Shared with Joy


Stob, Bulgaria