According to ancient Egyptian mythology, Akhenaton is descended from the gods who arrived on Earth during the Zep-Tepi era, and to this day there are people who believe that this pharaoh came to Earth from the Vast Space.
The texts of the pyramids describe the period when the Gods brought order to the primordial chaos and began to rule the Earth.
This period is called the First Time, or Zep-Tepi…

…It was rediscovered by history in the 19th century with the discovery of the city of Akhetaton, the capital of his time, near today's Amarna.
Akhenaton was the first ruler in the civilized world to proclaim the faith in the One God and was rightly called "the greatest innovator of all time" and left us his moral testament in his work "I give you guidance", his brief reflections on the issues of good and evil.
Amenhotep IV, later renamed Akhenaton, was the tenth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt to reign from 1353 BC. - 1336 BC
His first and most important wife is the beautiful Nefertiti, from whom he has 6 daughters.
Historians claim that the famous Tutankhamun was his son.
Akhenaton remains in history as the first monotheistic ruler. Pharaoh adopted the name Akhenaton ("Pleasant to Mount Athon") and carried out religious reform in his country.
He proclaims Athon the supreme god, and later the only one. Egyptian priests and a large part of the population were dissatisfied with this and soon after the end of his reign they returned things to the old. Because of their dislike of him, they destroyed many of the buildings and art He created in his time.

Here are some of his words that remain on everyone's spiritual path as humble moral teachings for kind and merciful existence in togetherness with all …
When you are aware of your shortcomings, when you see your imperfections, understand,
O son of man!
The universal goodness of the One
who has rewarded you with reason,
endowed you with the gift of the word,
and placed you in the company of like-minded people,
so that you may receive and give
mutual help and mutual obligations.
Your food, your clothes, the comfort of your home,
Your protection from dangers,
Your enjoyment of the pleasures and conveniences of life -
all this you owe to the help of others and you can get all this only in the company of your peers.
Therefore, it is your duty to be a friend of humanity,
because your benefit is that others will be friendly to you.
As the rose by its nature spreads fragrance, so the heart of a Merciful man creates good deeds
He enjoys the lightness and serenity of his own heart and enjoys the happiness and well-being of his fellow men.
He does not listen to gossips and slander, because the shortcomings and failures of people cause pain to his heart. His constant striving is to do good, and he always seeks an opportunity to accomplish this striving: by alleviating the misfortunes of others, he relieves himself
His constant striving is to do good, and he always seeks an opportunity to accomplish this striving: by alleviating the misfortunes of others, he relieves himself. Thanks to the breadth of his mind, he includes in his wisdom the happiness of all people, thanks to the generosity of his heart, he strives to make it happen.
Blessed is the man who sows the seeds of mercy in his heart,
their fruits will be kindness and charity.
Rivers of good will flow from the well of his heart and streams will flow for the good of mankind.
He helps the poor in their misfortunes;
he enjoys helping the well-being of all people.
He does not condemn his neighbor and does not believe envious and vicious talk and does not repeat their slander.
He forgives the insults inflicted on him by the people and banishes the memory of them from his memory; vengeance and malice have no place in his heart.
He does not repay evil for evil,
and even for enemies there is no hatred in his heart;
with friendly exhortations he appeases their injustice.
The sorrows and anxieties of men arouse his compassion;
he seeks to alleviate the weight of their misfortunes, and the pleasure of success rewards his work.
It calms anger, pacifies the quarrels of angry people, and prevents misfortunes in strife and enmity.
He helps to create peace and goodwill around him and his name is repeated with praise and blessings.
"Happy is the man who has sown in his breast the seeds of kindness and mercy "
Shared with joy
A. A
Stob, Bulgaria