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The Chintamani Stone - The Shambala Crystal

By Adi Andreeva

September 8, 2022

"The great Timur possessed this stone. The stone was usually delivered by quite unexpected bearers. And in the same unexpected way, but at the right time, it disappeared, only to appear at the appointed time in a completely different country. The main part of this stone is located in Shambhala . Only a small piece of it is given, which travels all over the earth, preserving a magnetic connection with the main Stone. . . ."

The Shambhala Crystal is originally physical matter from the core of Sirius - our Spiritual Sun and God-Father.

In the very beginning, immediately after his transport to Earth - about 18 million years ago the Crystal from Shambhala was a luminous crystal diamond in the shape of 144,000 - a polygon. Each edge of the polygon was connected to one of the stars or to the cosmic objects that could be connected to the Earth Core(Heart) -celestial objects that once participated in the birth of our planet. They broadcast and broadcast to the Earth stellar energies, which are necessary to sustain its life. Subsequently, it was segmented to 144 parts.

There are three main segments of the Crystal. The largest part /more than 90%/ is now in the Tibetan Shambhala.

Since the creation of the planet, the Mahatmas of Shambhala have sent parts of the Crystal to the most worthy representatives of humanity: Plato, Solomon the Wise /he inlaid it in his ring/ Seneca, King Arthur /El Moria/, the medieval Count Saint Germain, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and others ..

Now the Shambhala Crystal is blackened, but bright glowing veins remain in it. They shine like mountain streams in the rocks.

The crystal performed and performs the function of a filter. It absorbs the subtle material vibrational frequencies - emanations of human sins, crimes, iniquities and misdeeds.

An ancient legend states that if the glowing veins - a remnant of the crystal's original purity disappear completely and The crystal completely blackens, then Earth and humanity will perish.

The Forces of Light do their best to prevent this, taking the astropollutions upon themselves, transforming them through the Fire of their blazing hearts.

The Shambhala crystal has phenomenal characteristics: upon physical contact with a high-ranking spiritual person, a vibrational frequency resonance occurs, after which the person acquires superpowers and even physical immortality.

The four symbols inlaid in the Crystal are energy-information matrices of the four primary elements /the elements/ of the Earth.

Through the Crystal, metals can be transmuted into gold, platinum, and diamonds; water - in wine or oil; radiation and nuclear waste can be neutralized; to transmute or clone any physical matter But this is possible only if a frequency resonance with the consciousness of the person is established, in other words the Supercrystal does not obey everyone.

The Shambhala crystal is not Aladdin's lamp. He is the embodiment of the Supreme Cosmic Intelligence and possesses his own superconsciousness.

There are many who went in search of Shambhala but never even were allowed close to the forbidden sacred place.

However if you are interested in learning more about it - some of the greatest minds on Earth wrote a lot about the Crystal.

The history of the stone is described by N.K. Roerich in his book " The Heart of Asia "

Shared with joy

A. A

Stob, Bulgaria