For many years I have tried many things…At my youngest years I believed that life is totally socially conditioned: cinemas, restaurants, bars, museums, opera, exhibitions, concerts, random people met here -there and chit-chat conversations about everything… simply everything many people would like to cancel me off if I'm not…

I thought I had to go to supermarkets to eat.
I thought there was only a plane, a car or a train to travel, but then I grew up and met Mother nature and all Her wonders.
She has it all…and is everything.
She offers everything.
Suddenly after very interesting life seasons (if I can say that) the decision presented itself and I went to the "nowhere " (considered by many ) and slowly but steadily turned my house and life into library, cinema, culture, dance, play, laughter and joy, work, lifestyle… and great growth of something different…
I have walked everywhere through the near forests, rivers, villages, (long time ago seen some foreign countries too) but this was different .
I watched the sun rise and the sunsets hit the earth.
I fell in love, I danced in the full moon at midnight, watched the shooting stars in August,I bathed in the rain and kicked the snow, lit fires, made bread and felt happy.
I ate the fruit of the trees in spring and summer straight from the branches and everything I planted in my land.
I also ate the roots of some of the plants , which I planted myself and watched them grow.
I "raised" my meat for a while (was a bit too much for me at that time).
Guess what - without parades, without a great amount of money, without 90% from all the things in the urban environment.
I meditated without realizing even the need for it, between the dogs, the straw, the grass, the flowers, the stones and the wood, the animal shit and the clay that I found and my heart was filled with love for the whole of this world.
I understood the meaning of life just by living it .
In my own way.

And I continue to live it, happy, liberated, full, convinced of my rightness and confident in my actions not in any need to point - despite any inconvenience or because of it but because of life's own simplicity.
The choices we think we have to make actually get us into confusion - when we know the path we have no need to choose…
You realize yourself and remain free from everything that surrounds you, you breathe deeply and look ahead to your foreseeable happy future…
You let your mind wander everywhere free and you only realize all this in an occasional communication with the modernity of the world.
I also realized the word sovereignty and included this word in my life.
I died once, two times… and was reborn again - I live a second-third life… My life.
The life of others is their life! Most of the time we have no clue of but only we as species insist on advising human experiences and growths.
I learned how to be one of those "audience members" who watch, observe and not really talk unnecessarily about everything with everyone.(well I do if it is inevitably present)
I rose to become an author and director of each choice of each moment.
I learned to use what I have most valuable:
My Mind and the ability to think for myself purely, honestly, sincerely and that is why I feel so enriched, but not with money that millions others so willingly bow to and depend on and turned human existence into businesses…
I learned that I alone am responsible for my own well-being and no one else has a duty or obligation nor an honest good will in their heart to care for anyone's wellbeing unless it is their own.
I learned that to live is to die and to die is to be born again and again - well, I did, but I also learned that I am a free being and that even if in any circumstances I am imprisoned I can enjoy my freedom.
The tamplier heritage…
This life in the village I was given - I was actually given the opportunity to resee, refeel, rethink, repaint, redesign, resing, redance, rearrange and remake my life as I SEE it!
If it is not possible to do any of the things I have the inner calling for in this life then I will die again and again to be born while it is possible in this realm.
All these words above just to cherish your own daily reincarnated souls each moment. ❤️🌞❤️
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria