Primrose: what turns this plant into a powerful medicinal product used in our folk medicine?

In natural medicine, the root, the leaves and the flowers of the medicinal primrose are used to treat various conditions. The Primrose is also known for its healing properties, which cover a wide range of ailments - from eczema and various skin irritations, to menstrual pain, respiratory problems and osteoporosis. The two main and most pronounced actions of the healing primrose are sedative and antispasmodic - relaxing smooth muscles. Other properties include expectorant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic. Helps with concentration and normal brain function. Fights various skin problems and regulates blood pressure. Reduces insulin resistance, improves immune function and takes care of blood cholesterol levels…Evening primrose can be considered a natural and effective prevention against the aging process of the skin, due to the fact that the herb maintains elasticity, slows down the appearance of fine wrinkles and reduces the risk of pigment spots. For this reason, primrose is a common component in many cosmetic products.
The medicinal primrose tincture has the property to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), as well as those of menopause. These unpleasant conditions are a consequence of hormonal changes that occur in every woman's body. Many of the symptoms, such as emotional instability, increased appetite, breast tenderness, pimples, and hot flashes, can be greatly overcome or at least alleviated by regular use of primrose. In addition, primrose is believed to maintain homeostasis (hormonal balance) in the body, which can facilitate conception in couples with reproductive problems.
The ingredients in the primrose prevent the loss of calcium from the body, which helps it to be better absorbed into the bones. In this way, the primrose helps against osteoporosis.
The regular use of evening primrose oil can help reduce inflammation, which leads to improved heart health and taking evening primrose can lower total cholesterol and blood fats.
Are there any side effects of evening primrose?
Evening primrose is usually safe for short-term use and does not cause many adverse effects. But when you use it for a long time, you may experience symptoms including headaches, stomach aches, upset stomach and nausea.
These side effects are usually mild and can be reduced by changing the dose. It is unlikely, but there are some people who are allergic to evening primrose oil.
They show more severe symptoms: inflammation, rash, wheezing or difficulty breathing. So, if you are prone to allergies, you should do a test before using evening primrose, and in no case resort to self-medication.
How to use the primrose:
primOne tablespoon of finely chopped roots and rhizomes is boiled in a glass of boiling water for 10 minutes, filtered and sweetened with honey, 1 tablespoon 4-5 times daily before meals.
A tasty vitamin salad can be prepared from the flowers too.

Primrose wine
Necessary products: 1 liter of white wine, 3 handfuls of primrose flowers.
Preparation: Choose a larger glass bottle or 2 bottles of 750 ml. Pour the primrose flowers into them and pour the wine over them. If necessary, add more wine. Close the bottle (s) and leave them in the sun for 15 days.
Then strain the liquid, return it to the bottles and close the wine tightly. It is ready for consumption, but it will stay for a little longer and its taste will not deteriorate
Enjoy all the benefits of the Primrose and the wine with the benefits 😊
Shared with Joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria