"There are two great opposites: East and West.
But there are places that are not under the influence of either. In megacities, good becomes evil, and evil is perceived as the norm and a sign of good. Where are the most unhappy and discontent?
Where we judge man by his material condition, and the body is placed on the altar.
Everywhere, money is like packaging for everything. And for many which is more important: the surface or the essence, the cellophane or the chocolate?
Appearance brings prestige and in the West the first place is tinfoil. Where I was raised, content comes first.
Who is a normal person? What does Norm mean?
These are generally accepted frameworks of behavior created for easy orientation in the surrounding world. It is a collection of commonly known facts and knowledge implemented in each statistical chapter.
So the "norm" is a realization of human basic laziness: not thinking for oneself but acting like everyone else.
When one person lies, it is called a "lie", when another repeats the lie, it is called a "quotation".
When everyone repeats the lie, it is called a "common fact".
When lies are taught in school and then in universities, this is called "higher education". When a lie becomes universal, it is called "knowledge".
What is genius?
From a normal person's point of view, he is abnormal.
He thinks differently, perceives the world differently, acts differently.
The genius is… a true schizophrenic, but in a realized form.
And what is a schizophrenic?... He is a sick man.
Did you know that Napoleon was epileptic?
Dostoevsky was epileptic. Peter the First was epileptic. Ill people!
And what is a normal healthy person from the point of view of psychiatry?
This is a person who is in no way different from the majority...
But one Personality completely changes the consciousness of the crowd, of the millions of people.
And millions of people fight for a place under the sun and try to eat the Personality…
There are urban masses, rural masses, working masses... if I say "Dostoevsky masses" - do you feel absurd?
Or a crowd of Shakespeareans? Shakespeare is not a mass, not a quantity. Shakespeare is quality!
The mass is a huge crowd of impersonal beings, which rejects everything that in itself does not know and does not know.
Who remembers these normal people, who remembers these pieces of meat with passports?
Likeness aspires to its like and sees alike in everything.
Man is like water: it flows to the low.
There is the concept of "I" or "ego". Around this "ego" - not our saturated "I" revolve all the interests of the five senses.
Around the "ego", the five-sense person builds morality, laws and even religion.
If you are born among wolves, it is not possible to become human.
You will become the same wolf as those around you.
What about the genius? Isn't he from the same pack?
Yes, of course.
But in the case of genius, his natural anomaly, his gift, which, like a congenital disease, dictates to him individual rules of the game, rules of life.
This is their inner calling.
You also have this inner calling, this inner striving. Everyone has it. But with you it is weaker than with genius. For now.
This quest can be developed!"

– Mirzakarim Norbekov
Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is an Uzbek writer, psychologist, philosopher and author of countless "recipes" for achieving happiness.
He is a well-known activist for the use of alternative medicine, founder and president of the Norbekov Institute.
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Stob, Bulgaria