Black cumin (Nigella sativa) is a small flowering plant that is most common in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Northern Europe. Luckily we can grow it too. The shrub bears fruit with small black seeds.

Its other name, which is simply "black seeds", and somewhere it can also be found as "Roman coriander" is more widely known.
In folk medicine, it was often considered a panacea or cure for every illness.
Black cumin oil is extremely rich in antioxidants.
A study of 80 adult asthmatics found that taking 500 mg of black cumin oil twice daily for 4 weeks significantly reduced patients' symptoms and complaints. Also many other studies have shown how black cumin reduces body mass index (BMI) in people who are overweight, have metabolic problems, and have type 2 diabetes.
Black cumin oil is also said to help lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure.
High blood pressure combined with high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) unlock a number of risks and are extremely important for our heart health.
Two studies were conducted, one involving 90 overweight women and the other involving 72 adults with type 2 diabetes. They all took 3g of black cumin oil in capsules for 12 weeks, and at the end all showed significant reductions in cholesterol levels in the blood.
Research shows that the thymoquinone contained in the black cumin oil helps to reduce the rate of growth and spread of some cancer cells.
Also due to its highly pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, black cumin can reduce the degree of joint inflammation in people suffering from arthritis.
It is widely used against external infections and parasites. The seeds eliminate parasites in the intestines. They stimulate and heal the immune system and also treat dysbacteriosis;
They relieve all kinds of pain, incl. headache, inflammation on the gums and any inflammations in the mouth and teeth;
The seeds also soothe spasms and contractions. Therefore, they are used in the treatment of a sick stomach, without worsening the composition of the microflora;
They strengthen blood vessels, maintain their elasticity and protect them from damage. They prevent the formation of blood clots. Lower the blood pressure;
Endless benefits of the black cumin seeds…
How to use the black cumin seeds for best results?

In Cooking:
The dried seeds are used as a spice - whole or ground. They add a bitter spicy flavor to sauces, salads, pastas and side dishes. They go well with fish, meat, mushrooms, potatoes, cabbage, fresh vegetables, pasta and grain dishes.
For healthcare:
Not direct consumption is preferred, but an extract of black cumin made on the basis of water (tea) or oil.
By the way, black cumin oil with me is both medicinal and an excellent salad dressing.
In the household:
A whole stalk protects clothes and other fabrics from moths. Dry bouquets are placed in wardrobes. It also repels mosquitoes and other insects.
Black cumin powder or flour is also widely used in cosmetics - in the composition of masks, creams and ointments. Cleanses the skin and contributes to a healthy appearance. Many use it to preserve youth, against sagging and sagging. Under its influence, hair grows faster and strengthens too.
The oil obtained from the seeds is actively used in traditional medicine, but it is not considered a medicinal product. It has tonic effects and regulates many functions in the body.
- Increases the productivity of the brain, has a positive effect on the nervous system;
- Improves digestive function, stimulates digestion and affects the processes in the stomach;
- It has a strong diuretic effect, detoxifies, expectorates;
- It is also valued in the treatment of colds.
If anyone wants to improve their health care the black cumin seeds are one of the best creations of Nature - for best results it is recommended a daily intake - min. 3gr. 3 times a day for a time period of 8-12 weeks.
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Stob, Bulgaria