Life is neither fair nor unjust. He is neither good nor blind. These are things invented by people.
Life is what it is: why do we want it to be good or blind?
Life is logical. It flows like a calm river, on which boats loaded with people the Times sail.
The whole thing is to find out if our boat is leaking.
Life seems merciless to the oppressed, the weak, the sick. Often, instead of trying to break the fog, they sink into failure.
They repeat the same action without wondering why they failed and what ways to implement them to prevent another failure.
They start the battle again with the same weapons, which is pointless. It is natural for them to fail in such a situation.
They persist and again resort to the same means, instead of wondering if their action is appropriate, if they have judged it correctly and if their weapons are not covered with rust…
One judges circumstances through one's own state, like a radio that catches only the waves it is tuned to.
Then it is his duty to repair the radio and replace the damaged parts.
It is useless to be angry at life, we just have to try to make the most of it.
It is useless to be angry at life, we just have to try to make the most of it.
Life has no eyes to see, no ears to hear.
But if a person is blinded by a narrow gaze, he will face the circumstances and break his head.

Since its publication in the 1960s, the book by the Belgian psychiatrist, psychologist and promoter Pierre Daco has become a table book for generations of readers. Thanks to it, the meaning of concepts such as "depression", "neurasthenia", "aggression" and the causes of many diseases of modern man have reached hundreds of thousands of Europeans. The book contains numerous examples from the clinical practice of the author and other physicians, a solid vocabulary, many diagrams and charts.
"However, it seems to me that today, as never before, people are making great efforts to "liberate" themselves. Old taboos wear out and fall apart, and in their place comes the desire to be "elsewhere" act. Its implementation is difficult. It can call into question your whole life, filled with imaginary security, with learned beliefs, with compensatory actions, elevated to the rank of life rules…"

Shared with joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria