Fortune tellers from the distant past divided the human face into 3 parts.
The upper one, in which the forehead is included, speaks of a person's mental abilities.
The middle one, which includes the eyebrows and nose, shows emotionality.
The lower one, which includes the lips and chin, is a sign of a person's will.
When one area of the three facial parts is larger than the others, this indicates a predominance of certain traits in the personality's character. When one area of the three facial parts is larger than the others, this indicates a predominance of certain traits in the personality's character.
As an independent science, physiognomy was born in 1930 from the theory of the Californian judge Edward Jones, who claimed that he could read people's faces. He believed that every detail in the human face carries a certain message, and in order to understand the overall character of a person, each individual part had to be connected in a general plan.

Forehead - mental abilities;
Eyebrows - sociability;
Upper eyelid - relations with the representatives of the opposite sex;
Angle available to the eyes - life views;
Pupil size - degree of trust in people;
Ears - disposition towards people;
Nose size - attitude to work;
Width of face - strength of will; Nose tip - reliability;
Width of the lower jaw - strength of spirit, endurance;
Corners of the mouth - optimism;
Lower lip - generosity;
Chin - stubbornness;
Here's What Your Facial Features Mean - If you know these features you can quickly recognize people.
Since ancient times, people have used " witchcraft'' to determine a person's destiny. But did you know that fortune-telling reflected in a person's face was not so popular? It turns out that every contour, every line and even the most unpleasant facial feature is important. In small bumps or folds, your destiny is hidden.
However, facial features can change over the years. This is because the inner world of a person changes, his ideals and aspirations. That is why the listed signs are rather guiding strokes and not regularities.

Distinctive facial features can quite accurately define a character too. This is the opinion of specialists from various fields who define 7 basic temperaments based on facial features.
The triangular shape of the face betrays a person who pursues his goals.
The square shape is a sign of a harsh character, inner strength and even rudeness. People of this type are often difficult to communicate with.
Owners of a round face are known as good-natured people who love noisy companies.
If nature has combined a round face with high cheekbones, then this person is probably a leader.The leader is a tolerant person who constantly strives to expand his worldview and wisdom.People with this face, as a rule, are intelligent and strong-willed. They are very fond of morality and honest relations between people, but make an impression with their rough and often sharp language.
If this resonates with you, you can do your further research, discover more interesting and useful things about the human face and apply them in your daily life or personal relationships. Who knows - it could be a very interesting new journey with benefits.🙌🙂
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Stob, Bulgaria