The active substances contained in plants are recognized by our cells because they have similar energy. When coming into contact with the human organism, they affect it on a level deeper than biochemical, healing the body and spirit in a holistic way.
The vibrations of nature restore disturbed energy balance by normalizing the synthesis and secretion of neurotransmitters and hormones, representing the biological language of our body.
This way the medicinal plants simply remind the body of the life-giving power hidden within it and help it unlock its self-healing programs.
So, apart from the beneficial effect they have on the body, they purify the mind, clarify the thought and elevate the consciousness.
Nature has gifted us with an abundance of medicinal plants that are all around us. A huge amount and variety of herbs grows in our latitudes. Dioscorides himself said that the most healing plants grow on the lands of Thrace.
Since the time of the ancient Thracians, who inhabited the territory of Bulgaria, the use of herbs for treatment and maintenance of health was practiced.
The Thracians were known for their extensive knowledge of herbal medicine and used various plants to treat various ailments.
Many of the Bulgarian monasteries still have their own gardens, among which are the Rila and Bachkovo monasteries, where herbs are grown and herbal products are produced.
The Bogomils also had extraordinary knowledge and enormous contributions to herbal medicine.The Bogomils practiced healing and maintaining health with herbs, believing that it helped them to cleanse themselves of earthly ties and achieve spiritual enlightenment.
They were the first to bring medicine to the people, as until then it was only for the upper class and aristocrats.
There are currently 3,600 known types of herbs in Bulgaria. Thanks to the climatic and soil conditions of our lands, medicinal plants contain a high percentage of biologically active substances.
They are among the most popular herbs in Bulgaria and have a long history of traditional use due to its healing effects on the nervous system.

St. John's Wort
It is primarily known for its potential benefits in mild to moderate depression and anxiety. It contains several active compounds believed to have antidepressant and mood-stabilizing effects.
Widespread throughout the country, the herb is found up to 2000 meters above sea level. It is harvested in the summer - from Midsummer to August.
The aerial part is used, with the stems being cut about 20 cm from the top, together with the buds and flowers.
The healing effects of St. John's wort are:
- Soothing
- Toning
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antimicrobial
- Hemostatic

St. John's wort also improves the condition of the cell membranes of neurons and the functions of the nervous system. After a hard, stressful day, make yourself a St. John's wort tea after a meal.
Before long, you will feel the nervous tension leave your body, or at least reduce to the point where it does not affect your sleep. It helps the body to fully rest.
The ingredients in St. John's wort help to release the hormones of happiness and thus strongly influence depression in all its manifestations.
The old recipe is really easy to do:
Just boil 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort flower in 200 ml of water for 5 minutes.
It is important that the pot is covered in order to optimally preserve the essential oils and aromas, which play a significant role in calming the nervous system. The tea is best taken warm, after dinner.
If you suffer from chronic migraines, you can drink a cup of St. John's wort tea morning, noon and night.
This herb is an impressive natural healer that can help with numerous health problems.
Its various healing properties make it a valuable assistant in natural medicine and alternative treatment methods.
Shared with joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria