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Dandelion Tea - Healthy Detox

By Adi Andreeva

March 29, 2023

 The yellow dandelion has been valued since ancient times for its proven medicinal properties. It is used in phytotherapy to treat infections, biliary and liver diseases, and as a powerful diuretic.

The herb is also used for problems with the liver, kidneys, bile, digestive system and to improve metabolism.

Dandelion helps with anemia, avitaminosis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, lack of appetite, skin problems, fatigue, joint diseases.

When people talk about dandelion tea, they are largely referring to one of 2 different drinks:

– tea from the leaves of the plant

– roasted dandelion root tea

Both are considered safe (if the plant is not treated with herbicides or pesticides), but are used for different purposes.

Here are the benefits of tea from this medicinal plant for the body:

It acts as a diuretic

Dandelion root tea can provide relief as it has a natural diuretic effect that allows your liver to eliminate toxins more quickly.

Improves liver health

Dandelion root has long been defined as a "liver tonic" in folk medicine. Some studies suggest that this is due in part to its ability to increase bile flow.

It replaces natural coffee

You can buy this pre-prepared dandelion root product at health food stores, but you can also make your own from non-insecticide-treated dandelions. The roots of the young plants are roasted to a dark brown color. Then put 2-3 teaspoons in hot water and strain, so it can be used as a substitute for coffee.

It is a natural weight loss remedy

A recent Korean study revealed that dandelion may have similar effects on the body as a weight loss drug that works by inhibiting pancreatic lipase, an enzyme released during digestion to break down fat. Testing the effects of dandelion extract in mice revealed excellent results, prompting researchers to do more research on the plant's possible effects on obesity.

Dandelion tea is believed to have anti-cancer effects

More recently, dandelion root has been studied for its cancer-fighting potential. So far, the results look promising. A 2011 Canadian study. proved that the extract has an anti-cancer effect against melanoma, leukemia and pancreatic cancer.

All parts of the dandelion are medicinal and can be used, although a tea is usually made from its root.

In boiling water over low heat, add the dandelion root, adding 1 tablespoon of chopped root to every 250 ml of water. The tea can be stored refrigerated for 2-3 days before it loses its properties.

You can drink a glass every day, but it is good to consult your doctor if you take certain medications or have kidney problems.

The benefits for human health are so many that this herb is definitely a true gift from nature and it is worth it to add it to your healthy diet.


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Stob, Bulgaria