The ancient healer Avicenna lived over 1,000 years ago, but many of his teachings are still relevant today.
Avicenna devoted his whole life to medicine. He was a personal physician to many Eastern rulers and left more than 400 medical books to mankind. His treatise on medicine is the second most widely circulated book after the Bible.
Avicenna was the first to talk about the fact that regular exercise is useful for improving health, and he was also sure that a sick person dies not so much from the disease as from the fear that the disease causes in him.
According to Avicenna, the doctor must not only heal, but also inspire confidence in the patient.
He looks at medicine from the standpoint of philosophy and mathematics:
Avicenna says that healing is addition and subtraction:
Subtracting everything that is harmful to a person and adding what is useful.
"Heal your mind, it will heal everything else", is a philosophy that has helped many people discover what is holding them back and begin to eliminate it from their lives while at the same time adding more... Smiles, trust, peace, tolerance, support, sympathy, etc. and this elevates their life to a dreamlike level of healing consciousness… Opposite to this is anger…
"Anger burns the body, sadness dries it up, apathy weakens the mind, and indifference leads to disease. When the character is balanced, health is achieved for both body and soul at the same time.''
Avicenna also studied the composition of water and its effect on the human body.

Image: The Living Water spring near Bosnek village, Bulgaria
Avicenna's water purification methods recorded in the work "Treatise on Medical Sciences" are still subject of further study in medical universities as methods of alternative treatment of diseases.
More than 1000 years ago, Avicenna described in his works the properties and composition of various waters: sea, mountain, swamp, ore, spring, mineral and many others.
"You know," writes Avicenna, "that the worst water is swamp water. Because it has a very foreign taste and smell. It's cloudy, thick and heavy. Also bad is the water in which bad foam floats and that from which limestone stones form on the walls of the vessel. Such waters must be corrected.
Boiling onions, garlic or leeks in thick water can help. And vinegar improves all bad waters."
- Washing with cold water and drinking it is good for porous skin, but harmful for people with high cholesterol and varicose veins. Clean water should not be used to rinse ulcers, as it softens them and prevents healing.
- Seawater is used to treat chapped skin from cold, with hematomas and to remove lice, itchy mites and lichen. Sea baths are an excellent method of treating nervous diseases: tremors, paralysis, numbness and the like.
- Sulphurous mineral waters are useful for swollen joints and hanging warts. If you swim in sulfuric water, the skin is cleared of lichen and eczema, pain in muscles and joints disappears.
Water is also the most sensitive element in the universe.

It contains so many faces and so many voices... But no matter how many faces the Water changes - from ice to steam, from cloud to ocean, it will still long for a shore…
The water has rhythm- rhythm - she comes, changes everything she touches, and then leaves…
We have to look at the water for a long time, we have to communicate with the water for a long time, to understand that she shows us the blessed law of change - this inevitable dance of meetings and separations, of sinking and emerging, of changing faces and states.
All life is encoded in it.
Even if we understand water, even if we are in love with it, we cannot hold it long. It's impossible not to love water - water is Life.
Wise ones used to say that a person who is afraid of water is afraid of life itself.
If there is a recipe for love and life - knowing the laws of water and having enough courage to dive into the knowledge of the water is a huge part of understanding life and accepting its flows…
And the rhythm of the water the rhythm of life ❤️
"It is in the nature of water ... to become transformed into earth through a predominating earthy virtue; ... it is in the nature of earth to become transformed into water through a predominating aqueous virtue"
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria