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You Are The Cause of Almost Everything That Happens to You

By Adi Andreeva

January 13, 2022

You are the cause of almost everything that happens to you.


Eastern and Western philosophies are similar. The only difference is that Eastern philosophy speaks of human self-improvement. What matters is what we should do next. According to my philosophy, by cultivating and having less to do for oneself, one must work for others. Only then does life become meaningful. If you don't work for others, you haven't achieved anything…

"What we really need is a change in our attitude towards life. We must first understand ourselves and then explain to the desperate that the important thing is not to expect anything from life, but that life expects something from us. We need to stop asking ourselves questions about its meaning and, instead, think of ourselves as people to whom life constantly and constantly asks questions. Our response must be composed not of words or meditation, but of concrete behavior and action. Ultimately, living means taking responsibility for finding the right answer to the circumstances you face and fulfilling the tasks that life constantly assigns to each person."


Life, our life, is built through the answers we give to the totality of the circumstances we experience. Life is a constant choice. Our ability to give these answers, to "take responsibility", determines not only our daily development, but also the future events, our future and our destiny. Responsibility gives us a wonderful gift: not to reconcile. Let's think and search, moment by moment, what answer life demands of us. Faced with crisis, pain, distortion, baseness, despair or loss, we have the balm of tenderness, patience, sense, trust, gratitude, generosity, courage, intention and many other attitudes that we can choose responsibly to keep going and to build quality.

In that case, what can we do to change the world, our world, here and now?

Do not lie to yourself! -  As soon as you meet someone, they start sending you information. They reveal themselves to you, even if they do not realize it. It's so easy to see everyone as they are. You don't have to lie to yourself; You clearly see what you are buying when you do your shopping and you either want it or you don't.

For Instance, if you want a dog, then why get a cat? If you want a cat, why take a horse or a chicken? Why pretend to put someone in a mold that doesn't fit? That doesn't mean you love them or want them around you. It means you make a choice and say yes or no because you love yourself. 

Don't attribute to people qualities they lack! – Once you know a person, you can clearly estimate their qualities and the qualities they lack. Trust your feeling to avoid disappointments in your communication later in time. 

The good news is that everyone can improve their mental strength by building and developing certain habits. In fact, all the hallmarks of mentally strong people are strategies you can start using today. 

Emotional intelligence is the cornerstone of your psychic power. You cannot be mentally strong if you are not able to understand and tolerate strong negative emotions and know how to use them for something productive at any given moment. The moments that test your mental strength ultimately test your emotional intelligence.

"Happy is the day when you realize that events are not due to an accident, time or luck, and you are the one who brings everything closer or further away from you."


Once you start to trust and rely on your emotional intelligence to estimate the people you are communicating with - you lessen the possibility of attributing to these people qualities they lack. 

When it's time to say no, the emotionally intelligent and mentally strong people avoid phrases like "I don't think I can" or "I'm not sure." They say no with confidence because they know that when they refuse a new commitment, they take responsibility for the commitments they have already made and give themselves the time they need to fulfill them successfully and not burden their self-respect.

They know how to deal with difficult people and situations because they always choose to test their emotional intelligence and their own responsibility level. 

"His ability to take responsibility shows the measure of man."


"If you follow the world news for a longer period of time, you will notice that it represents an endless cycle of war, violence, economic crises, natural disasters and environmental catastrophes. Soon, you will begin to believe that the world is headed for an inevitable apocalypse and that there is nothing you can do to prevent it. Who knows, maybe so.

However, mentally strong and emotionally intelligent people do not suffer from such worries because they chose not pay great attention to things that are beyond their control. Instead of trying to start a revolution in one day, they focus their energy on two things that depend solely on themselves, namely their attention and efforts. 

To one student who constantly complained about others, the Master said:

- If you seek peace, try to change yourself, not others. It is easier to put on slippers than to cover the whole ground with a carpet."


Shared with joy


Stob, Bulgaria