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The Chain Rings

By Adi Andreeva

January 20, 2023

Each of us makes mistakes - some minor, some irreparable.

These mistakes are part of our life and we need to know how to deal with their consequences.

The most important thing is to learn from them and learn how not to repeat them again.

Most common mistakes:

We try to please people.

It is impossible to please everyone and we should not try to, we should instead be truthful and honest even if it displeases them. This will be much more valuable in the long term .

We do the same thing and expect a different result. If we continue to follow the same approach, we will get the same results, no matter how much we hope otherwise.

We are generally not grateful.

We focus on what we don't have and forget how much we actually have. If we repeat to ourselves every day what we are grateful for in our life, we will be much happier and more content.

We don't enjoy life the way it is.

We often forget to enjoy the little moments that seem insignificant to us because we are busy focusing on all kinds of problems and more problems and by all means saving the world and the planet.

We destroy relationships that would help us in the future. We burn bridges in our past that helped us get to where we are now, including past friendships and relationships. What Life teaches us though is : It happens very often that we need them again.

We don't spend enough time with our loved ones. We are constantly busy with work and all sorts of things and more and more problems in our daily life that we forget about the people we love and who love us.

If we have enough desire, if we straighten our priorities, we will always find time for your loved ones.

We lie all the time.

Lies have become a part of people's lives and they use them every day( please, count your own curve around the basic truths of yours, alone, each day ) . So many people use them in situations where it didn't even make sense to save the truth.

In this way, we spoil our relationships with those around us, and it is often irreversible.

We try to change people.

But why? Is it for the people or is it for us?

A person can only change when he/she wants to. No matter how much we try to change the character or habits of others, the result will not be the way we expect it to be.

Also let us think about whether we would like someone to change us and in which way?

 We don't care about our own health the way we insist we do.

We don't take care of our physical and mental health, which will eventually show up later in life as a weak point in our being affecting us in unexpected ways.

We worry about the health of our family and friends, but not too much of our own…(one of the most common mistakes )

 "I Can't"

We often say "I can't" when something seems difficult to do.(or we think it is not possible to be done) This will never take us far from where we are right now.

We better learn to say - Now it is difficult, but it has to be a way to be done.

Accepting life's challenges and realizing that we can actually do anything when we put in our thoughts, hands, will and efforts is always a good step forward…

It is our choice after all to free ourselves from all the "white little lies" and all the mistakes that momentum decisions are leading us to … A Free choice

This photo was taken by Turkish photographer Ali Rahman when a goat gave birth to her baby on top of an icy mountain. To save the goat and the baby, the shepherdess carried the goat on her shoulder and her dog helped carry the newborn goat down. This photo is a living example of the loving kindness of a human being, of choosing the morally and ethically correct before the easy and safe. Indeed, a man can be better than an angel if he wants to…this is the noble gift - free choice… ❤


Shared with joy

A. A

Stob, Bulgaria