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Jujube - The Ancient Fruit of Longevity

By Adi Andreeva

November 9, 2021

A legend from China tells how a king got lost in the mountains. There he met the God of Longevity and asked him about the secret of life. The god of longevity said that he did not bring a cure because he was trying to find his lost horse, but he gave the king three jujube fruits, which he intended to give to the God of Heaven. The king ate the three red dates and felt immediately refreshed. 

Jujube - this ancient crop - is one of the main fruit crops in China. It originated more than a few thousand years ago from Asia, spread to America, much of the Mediterranean and only then to Bulgaria.

 Jujube is grown in China on an area of around ​​2 million acres. In the areas where the plant grows, extremely low levels of morbidity of the population and special resistance to respiratory diseases are seen.

Jujube is a low tree or shrub with date-like fruits. The branches of most varieties are covered with thorns of the "eagle claw" type, the sting of which is very unpleasant. According to Dr. David Darom of the University of Jerusalem, the crown of thorns of Christ he wore on the way to Golgotha ​​was made of jujube. In the Middle East, one of the varieties of this plant is called - Christ's thorns. 

Healers call jujube a "tree of life." In ancient times, Chinese monks ate the fruit because they knew its beneficial properties. They believed that jujube fruits were "warm", had Yang energy, which supports blood circulation, spleen and stomach, improves digestion, strengthens the body's energy and gives longevity. Its fruits ripen in September, October and are one of the gifts of autumn. 

The jujube fruits are very useful for the human body. Consumption helps cleanse the body of cholesterol, rejuvenate cells, remove toxins, harmful metals, toxins and excess fluids. They contain valuable nutrients, including proteins, proteins, sugars, fats, flavonoids, pectin and more. They are also rich in iodine, phosphorus, cobalt and iron. The content of vitamin C in them is also very high - 18 times more than lemon. In addition, they contain vitamins A, B2 and P. They can be used both for food and as a medicine for diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems. Jujube regulates cholesterol, improves muscle strength, increases energy and lowers blood pressure. 

It is very common to have fresh jujube fruits here in Bulgaria when the fruits are ready and ripe. But also, it is quite popular to preserve the fruits in different ways for the long winter.

 Here a recipe for Jujube jam if you are curious to try.



  • jujube - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2.5 kg
  • water- 4-5 small cups

Method of Preparation:

Wash the fruit. Remove the stones and cut them in half. Pour the sugar with 4-5 tea cups water and cook on low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved and the sugar syrup is obtained.

Pour the fruit with half of the syrup and cook over low heat for about 1 hour. Leave then to stand for at least 6-8 hours, then add the remaining syrup and cook to the desired density.

Pour the finished syrup into dry jars, close and turn while still hot.

 Taoist recipe for health


This recipe is passed down from generation to generation among the Taoists of the sacred Taoist Mountain Lao Shan.


All ingredients are equal (about 1 tablespoon of each). 

  1. pumpkin seeds
  2. sunflower seeds
  3. watermelon seeds
  4. sweet almonds
  5. black sesame seeds
  6. rhizome of Chinese lily (bai ha)
  7. walnuts
  8. jujube fruit (jojoba, Chinese dates)

Method of Preparation:

Boil over low heat in a clay (maybe porcelain or glass) vessel in 600-800 ml of water until half the water remains (300-400 ml). The ready remedy is drunk - morning and evening. If desired, a little honey can be added.

It is never too late to try 😊 

Shared with Joy 

A. A.

Stob, Bulgaria