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If You Want to Acquire Some Good...

By Adi Andreeva

December 2, 2021

“If you want to acquire some good… the Fruit of the Spirit”-

 Look for good, smart people, look for artists, musicians, scientists. If you need though some experience, look for the ordinary people. You can gain experience from them. Ordinary people will have to do almost all things they do- themselves. And without looking for them, they will find you (they will).

However, the talented, genius, great, smart and good people - you have to look for yourself, they will not look for you.

 Ordinary and ordinary people will find you on their own. There is no need for you to look for them. Don't worry about finding simple and ordinary people. They will always be in front of you. Ordinary people -you will meet them so much that sometimes you will get bored of them, you will not want to meet them for some time. Great people, however, are rare…

Indeed, look at a pig farmer who has been grazing pigs for 20 years at the end of his life and he is starting to become like them. If someone has been grazing cattle for 20 years, they start to look like them. Therefore, what a person is constantly doing is finally starting to look like him. Notice that if a man and a woman have lived together for a long time and become grandparents, at the end of their lives they begin to quarrel and become a face of resemblance, like two stalks of primrose… So I say: The inner side of life lies in seeing a good feature in everything. You cannot develop any gift on your own if you do not connect with those people who developed it before you. You can't be a good person if you don't connect with good people. You can't be talented if you don't connect with talented people; you cannot be a saint if you do not associate with the saints; you cannot be a good mother and a good father if you do not connect with good mothers and good fathers on the face of the earth. You cannot be a good teacher if you do not connect with good teachers. Therefore, if we want to progress, we must keep in touch with reasonable people. This is how we will get to know each other better…And therefore understand each other better. 

Under the current conditions, life is not easy. The time has come when one must consider very carefully one’s own words. Every word he/she utters must consider it. When you come to say a word before you say it, you have to put it on the scales, weigh it in English. Because if a person comes out to speak without controlling his words, he will be subjected to terrible criticism. When you go out to speak, immediately those who understand words variations will start pulling your words that you even did not put the verb in place… 

You will say that one must be gifted. It is right that a person should be gifted, but if there are no conditions for this gift to develop, he will remain in the situation in which he was originally found. The apple seed is gifted, it has the conditions to produce a good apple, but if it is not planted in the ground and grows, and then, if the sun does not shine for a while, nothing will come out of its gift… 

If you are looking for health, find a healthy person and shake hands with him. Then find another healthy person, talk to him, etc. When you meet a dozen healthy people and shake hands with everyone, you will finally accept something of their health. Every healthy person passes something of himself to the sick… Therefore, when the sick man shakes hands with healthy people, he takes from here, from there something, one, two, three, ten, a hundred, while forming a small capital in himself. If you want to become an artist or develop any art in yourself, go look for people who are geniuses in a field. If you want to become a good person, look for good people, not only in Bulgaria, but all over the world. When you find a dozen good people and make a connection with them, you will become good… 

If you want to acquire manners, to have a good detour, eat apples. They convey something in the character of man. Whoever wants to be always well, neatly dressed, with clean clothes, let him eat apples.

If you want to develop your mind, to gain more intelligence, eat pears. If you want to gain faith, eat plums.

If you want to strengthen your hope, eat cherries. The cherry contains a store of energy that nourishes hope in man. So, the cherry nourishes our heart.

From this we conclude that fruit trees came to Earth to help human development. Therefore, it is good for every home, every garden to have several fruit trees and a variety: cherries, apples, pears, plums, peaches. If not many, then at least two, three, but to be diverse. 

At the same time, it is good to have different flowers in your gardens: blue, red, yellow, pink, green work great. If someone finds that he is rude, that he does not have good manners, let him have a garden in which to grow different flowers, they (all the flowers) ennoble the person and bring softness to his character. Flowers have a healing effect. If I am a doctor, when someone sick comes to me, the first job, as the first recipe I would prescribe, would be to make him plant a carnation or a rose or some other flower in the garden and water it regularly, to rejoice in him. He will not feel how the color of this flower will enter him and begin to act on him…

When we go among people, we must be available to them. I mean be accessible to smart people, not stupid people. Why? - Because the smart one, when you meet him, he always brings a great blessing to you. But to know each other, to help each other we have to love each other. To know one self, one has to be smart, to love the truth… 

I say: Love yourself so that all could love you. Study to be taught. Love the truth to be told the truth. He who does not love the truth, he by the universal laws is not told the truth. And no one who does not learn is not taught. No one who doesn't truly love is not truly loved.

I wish you now: Love, learn, grow and speak the truth!

Shared with Joy

A. A.

Stob, Bulgaria