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Geranium: Is It Worth Growing At Home?

By Adi Andreeva

January 26, 2022

According to the folk beliefs, geranium contributes to a warm, calm and cozy atmosphere in the home. According to astrologers, geranium prevents the spread of negative energy, protects against quarrels, quarrels and gossip, and also protects the home from unwanted guests. This plant has soothing and anti-stress properties, which makes people calmer, more patient and kind. It also attracts financial well-being and stability to the house. 

A few women's tips on why it is good to grow such a flower at home:

The aroma of the flower helps relieve depression and strengthens the nervous system. If a pot with geranium is placed in a room where there is a geopathogenic zone, the plant neutralizes all harmful effects. Geranium leaves contain essential oil and to make sure it is enough to rub the leaves with your fingers. The oil is especially strong in summer. In this way the plant is protected from drying out. It is believed that if the geranium is on the street, then in the hot dry weather at sunset you can easily see the glow on the leaves. This effect is obtained from the essential oils released from geranium. Its leaves repel moths, flies and other insects. To keep your pets from them, you can rub them with leaves.

You can use geranium to treat headaches and colds. It cleans the air by killing harmful bacteria. To feel better it is enough to sit for 10 minutes next to the plant. To freshen the air, you can use geranium oil, which is sold in pharmacies. It will be enough to put only 3-4 drops in the aroma lamp. Geranium oil regulates hormonal metabolism. It can also excite the senses, so when organizing a romantic dinner, you can drop 5 drops of oil in the aroma lamp.

Geranium is extremely useful for people with nervous system problems, suffering from hypertension, insomnia, gastrointestinal and heart disease. It provides significant help for people with bile and liver problems. Attached to the sore spot, geranium leaves relieve pain in otitis, radiculitis, toothache.

In the natural treatment of toothache, it is recommended not to put a leaf of geranium in the mouth, but tie it to the cheek on the outside. When its leaves are crushed, it can be applied to the back as a compress. Such compresses can be applied where the pressure is higher and the pulse of the hand is felt.

Growing geraniums, according to many healers, prevents the appearance of tumors. And parapsychologists claim that the plant rebalances the disturbed biological field of man. Geranium has a strong effect on the body both externally and internally.

The herb serves to stop bleeding and treat diarrhea. In folk medicine, the medicinal plant is used for: kidney stones, skin problems, nausea, upset stomach, flu, colds, wounds, bleeding, insomnia, nervous disorders, allergic conditions, migraines and more. 

You can try out these recipes in case of emergency: 

Geranium leaf juice

You need 50 grams of geranium leaves. They are covered with 200 ml of water. Leave to soak for about 2 hours. Then you need to cut the leaves into small pieces using a plastic (not metal) knife. Strain through a cloth. Your juice is ready.

Geranium for stomach problems

You need 2 handfuls of leaves of the medicinal plant. They are covered with 500 ml of boiling water. This mixture should soak for one hour. Take it warm 4 times a day. It must be taken before meals, and one dose is equal to 1/3 cup of tea.

Geranium is an herb with an extremely rich composition: vitamins, tannins, mineral salts, essential oil. It cures various diseases. Try it for yourself to see the effect.


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