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A Healthy Diet For a Friend

By Adi Andreeva

April 20, 2022

What we think we can become. If we allow our mind to dive in ill thoughts, this is what the outcome for our body will become. But if we think of our body as a healthy home of our soul - the decision will be made naturally to care and support our "soul nest"- our body. Here, in favor of a friend, I decided to share a simple daily diet plan that I created with respect to my own "soul-nest" conditions. 

A Big NO to: 

- Butter, cooking oil, artificial yogurt and milk, red meats and fat meats. - NO fried foods  - only boiled, roasted, baked or raw. (occasionally if truly tempted once in a few months home made chips is a treat) - NO to - white bread with artificial additives.- NO to - alcohol ( only 50ml real wine allowed 2 times a week or a glass of beer )- NO to - artificial coffee, the all colours soft drinks fizzy or not, and natural juices of any kind and making, that are sold in the shops.ALSO A BIG NO to worries, fear and self pity. 

Before we start… 

The old Ayurvedic healers say "ask yourself what and up to what extent are you willing to: 

- Leave all the bad behind and do not let it influence your emotions. Forgive anyone anything. Do hot hold anger - acknowledge it , but do not let it settle, let it out.- Do say what sadness you have at the moment of speech.- Do say what makes you feel sad in general.- Acknowledge your biggest fears - tell yourself - I am stronger than my fears!  They only remind me to make the right decisions for my body, mind and soul.- Acknowledge your pain and make friends with it."

Take care of your illnesses and live together with respect for each other -

I acknowledge my illness and I respect my condition as this is how my body tells me - the time is now to become friends again and I do respect my body as it is my lifetime friend and home of my soul.  

Talk with friends and family with no fear of your condition and show them you are in respect of yourself first and with them next. Do not allow them to treat you as sick . Why? If you think in your frightful hours you are sick - you will stay in this condition, let your brain sends health messages to all your body - make your brain repeat thousands of times that - I might be below the weather, but this is only a temporary event for my body and we are soon to come back healthy again. 


A Big YES to: 

- Fruits and vegetables - all free from chemicals (best to get them local)- Organic eggs, 1 a day- Organic cheese, 40gr. A day- 3 slices dark organic bread a day - one each meal- 1 tablespoons honey a day (2 in rare occasions) - Loads of liquids - water and home made juice and tea only. Nothing from the big market or shops! 

- Fasting 1 day a week, only drinking all the day through - home made juices, water, tea and raw honey. You choose your day of fasting.    • Galangal water - 2 table spoons galangal root - grated in 2 l. Water - let it soak overnight and drink the water next day instead of the tap water or bottled water.     • Bicarbonate soda and lemon - 1 tea spoon Bicarbonate soda mixed with half of the lemon - juice in a glass with wooden stick or spoons (no metal to touch this mix) drink half an hour before breakfast and before dinner - twice a day, every day.     • Hot water and lemon  • Juices:     1. Beetroot, carrot and apple - 1 beetroot, 2 carrots, 1 apple - drink with food or with snack food, or on a fasting day.    2. Apple, cabbage, carrot: 1 apple, 250gr cabbage,1 carrot    3. Spinach, apple, carrot - 300gr spinach, 1 apple,2 carrots    4. Parsley, tomato juice - 2 tomatoes , 100gr  parsley , pinch of salt .    5. Boiled pumpkin puree.   • Soups   1. Potato spinach    2. Broccoli - cheese    3. Carrot - pumpkin         (Only boiled with spices,no butter, no cooking oil, just few drops cold raw olive oil)     4. Chicken soup with rice or potato - forget the noodles! e noodles! 

Main meal:

    • 2 times a day should contain 250 gr meat - boiled or roasted (only chicken, baby lamb or fish) 300gr - salad - green    • 150gr - potato,sweet potato or rice    • 1 glass of juice or tea    • 1 slice brown breadn breadad

Breakfast - example:


1 hard boiled egg  • 1 slice brown bread - with olive oil   • 40 gr cheese  • 1 glass 250 ml of freshly made juicee. 

Snack - example:

    • 100 gr.  whole nuts    • 5 apricots    • 1 teaspoon raw honey     • 60 gr yogurt     • 1 apple (or 5 strawberries, or mango, or other fruit up to 150 gr)     • 1 teaspoon raw honey  

Avoid at all costs: toxic and chemical fast food and meals from shops, toxic drinks (no matter the labels, read the content). Try to buy mostly the local produce. Of course avoid toxic environments in every meaning of the word. 💚

Best intake:  

to eat 6-7 times a day 


8 am - bicarbonate soda and lemon 8:30 - breakfast 10am - snack 12pm - lunch 4 pm - snack 7 pm - bicarbonate soda and lemon 7.30 - dinner 10pm - snack  

After 2 months of the diet, please check your results. Then continue - this is a lifetime diet and you can search and enrich it yourself according to your body needs. 

I truly hope you will adjust what is best for your body.

Shared with joyy

A. A.

Stob, Bulgaria